Nursery is available for children, ages infant – 2 years during Sunday School and Morning and Evening Worship
Sunday School Classes are available for children at 9:00 a.m.

Children's Church - Sundays @ 10:15 am:
Kids age 3 through kindergarten are invited to join us in Children’s Church where they will sing Bible Songs and hear a pint sized Bible lesson from awesome volunteers who want to see these boys and girls know more about Jesus and his plan for their lives.

Kingdom Kids Worship - Sundays @ 10:15 am:
Kids grades 3 through 6 are invited to join us for Kingdom Kids where they will hear a message that is prepared just for them each week. Kindgom Kids attend the “Big Church” worship service unitl the end of the “singing” portion of worship and are then lead to the Kingdom Kids service by our Kingdom Kids volunteers. We want the kids that attend worship at Levy to be Kingdom Kids… focused on the Kingdom of God.

Mission Friends & CiA - Wednesday's @ 6:15 pm
Mission Friends and CiA (Children in Action) are our pre-school and children’s missions groups at Levy. Mission Friends provides kids age 3 through kindergarten with a foundation of how missions are going on all around the globe to tell people of the love Christ has for them. CiA shows children in grades 1 through 6 how they can support and pray for mission efforts every day.
Coloring Book
Hey Kids! Now you can download the Levy Baptist Coloring Book on your home computer and print it out. There’s a color sample of each page to go by.